Locksmith Express-call or text  (315) 935-7114

     "Your local syracuse, NY locksmith you can trust"



  • 24hr Lockout Service
  • Lost Keys Replaced
  • Garage Door Locks
  • Deadbolts Installed
  • Locks Rekeyed
  • Levers Installed
  • Electronic Locks
  • High Security Deadbolts
  • Do Not Duplicate Keys
  • Door Repair
  • Door Closers
  • Antique locks
  • Desk Locks
  • Mortise Locks
  • Strike Plate Repair
  • Hinges and Repair
  • Padlocks
  • Chest Locks
  • Bit Keys
  • safes 
  • Door Jambs Repaired
  • Storm Door Locks
  • Patio Door Locks
  • Kick Plates
  • Keyless Deadbolts
  • Do Not Duplicate Keys
  • Gun Safes
  • And Anything You Can Think Of 
Advanced Lock and Key
A detailed Cities and Zip codes list: Onondaga County 13020 - Apulia Station, NY 13021 - Auburn, NY 13027 - Baldwinsville, NY 13029 - Brewerton, NY 13030 - Bridgeport, NY 13031 - Camillus, NY 13033 - Cato, NY 13035 - Cazenovia, NY 13037 - Chittenango, NY 13039 - Cicero, NY 13041 - Clay, NY 13051 - Delphi Falls, NY 13052 - De Ruyter, NY 13057 - East Syracuse, NY 13060 - Elbride, NY 13063 - Fabius, NY 13064 - Fair Haven, NY 13066 - Fayetteville, NY 13077 - Homer, NY 13078 - Jamesville, NY 13080 - Jordan, NY 13082 - Kirkville, NY 13084 - La Fayette, NY 13088 - Liverpool, NY 13089 - Liverpool, NY 13090 - Liverpool, NY 13104 - Manlius, NY 13108- Marcellus, NY 13110- Marietta, NY 13112 - Memphis, NY 13116 - Minoa, NY 13119 - Mottville, NY 13120 - Nedrow, NY 13122 - New Woodstock, NY 13135 - Phoenix, NY 13137 - Plainville, NY 13138 - Pompey, NY 13141 - Preble, NY 13152 - Skaneateles, NY 13153 - Skaneateles Falls, NY 13158 - Truxton, NY 13159 - Tully, NY 13164 - Warners, NY 13166 - Weedsport, NY 13201 - Syracuse, NY 13202 - Syracuse, NY 13203 - Syracuse, NY 13204 - Syracuse, NY 13205 - Syracuse, NY 13206 - Syracuse, NY 13207 - Syracuse, NY 13208 - Syracuse, NY 13209 - Syracuse, NY 13210 - Syracuse, NY 13211 - Syracuse, NY 13212 - Syracuse, NY 13214 - Syracuse, NY 13215 - Syracuse, NY 13217 - Syracuse, NY 13218 - Syracuse, NY 13219 - Syracuse, NY 13220 - Syracuse, NY 13221 - Syracuse, NY 13224 - Syracuse, NY 13225 - Syracuse, NY 13235 - Syracuse, NY 13244 - Syracuse, NY 13250 - Syracuse, NY 13251 - Syracuse, NY 13252 - Syracuse, NY 13261 - Syracuse, NY 13290 - Syracuse, NY Cayuga County : (Locksmith Syracuse NY) 13021 - Auburn, NY 13022 - Auburn, NY 13024 - Auburn, NY 13026 - Aurora, NY 13027 - Baldwinsville, NY 13033 - Cato, NY 13034 - Cayuga, NY 13045 - Cortland, NY 13071 - Genoa, NY 13073 - Groton, NY 13077 - Homer, NY 13080 - Jordan, NY 13081 - King Ferry, NY 13092 - Locke, NY 13111 - Martville, NY 13113 - Meridian, NY 13117 - Montezuma, NY 13118 - Moravia, NY 13126 - Oswego, NY 13139 - Poplar Ridge, NY 13140 - Port Byron, NY 13143 - Red Creek, NY 13147- Scipio Center, NY 13152 - Skaneateles, NY 13156 - Sterling, NY 13160 - Union Springs, NY 13166 - Weedsport, NY 14882 - Lansing, NY Oswego County : (Locksmith Syracuse NY) 13028 - Bernhards Bay, NY 13033 - Cato, NY 13036 - Central Aquare, NY 13042 - Cleveland, NY 13044 - Constantia, NY 13064 - Fair Haven, NY 13069 - Fulton, NY 13074 - Hannibal, NY 13076 - Hastings, NY 13083 - Lacona, NY 13093 - Lycoming, NY 13103 - Mallory, NY 13107 - Maple View, NY 13111 - Martville, NY 13114 - Mexico, NY 13115 - Minetto, NY 13121 - New Haven, NY 13126 - Oswego, NY 13131 - Parish, NY 13132 - Pennellville, NY 13135 - Phoenix, NY 13142 - Pulski, NY 13144 - Richland, NY 13145 - Sandy Creek, NY 13156 - Sterling, NY 13167 - West Monroe, NY 13302 - Altmar, NY 13426 - Orwell, NY 13437 - Redfield, NY 13483 - Westdale, NY 13493 - Williamstown, NY Madison County : (Locksmith Syracuse NY) 13030 - Bridgeport, NY 13032 - Canastota, NY 13035 - Cazenovia, NY 13037 - Chittenango, NY 13043 - Clockville, NY 13052 - De Ruyter, NY 13061 - Erieville, NY 13072 - Georgetown, NY 13082 - Kirkville, NY 13104 - Manlius, NY 13122 - New Woodstock, NY 13134 - Peterboro, NY 13158 - Truxton, NY 13163 - Wampsville, NY 13310 - Bouckville, NY 13314 - Brookfield, NY 13332 - Earlville, NY 13334 -Eaton, NY 13346 - Hamilton, NY 13355 - Hubbardsville, NY 13364 - Leonardsville, NY 13402 - Medison, NY 13408 - Morrisville, NY 13409 - Munnsville, NY 13418 - North Brookfiled, NY 13421 - Oneida, NY 13425 - Oriskany Falls, NY 13460 - Sherburne, NY 13465 - Solsville, NY 13480 - Waterville, NY 13484 - West Eaton, NY 13485 - West Edmeston Seneca County : (Locksmith Syracuse NY) 13065 - Fayette, NY 13148 - Seneca Falls, NY 13165 - Waterloo, NY 14433 - Clyde, NY 14456 - Geneva, NY 14489 - Lyons, NY 14521 - Ovid, NY 14532 - Phelps, NY 14541 - Romulus, NY 14588 - Willard, NY 14847 - Interlaken, NY 14860 - Lodi, NY 14886 - Trumansburg, NY Utica City : (Locksmith Syracuse NY) 13504 - Utica, NY 13502 - Utica, NY 13413 - New Hartford, NY 13501 - Utica, NY 13503 - Utica, NY 13505 - Utica, NY Rome City : (Locksmith Syracuse NY) 13440 - Rome, NY 13308 - Blossvale, NY 13442 - Rome, NY 13441 - Rome, NY

we are available to serve Syracuse Ny, and all surrounding counties anytime, day or night You can always call your local 315 Syracuse locksmith

                                       Call your trusted 315 Syracuse locksmith


                      (315) 935-7114